To remain competitive in the digital age, companies must make their digital operations more agile and improve user experience (UX) by simplifying them. App modernization is a crucial aspect of a digital transformation plan that businesses must embrace to thrive in today's market. Furthermore, modernization adds value to an organization's strategy by integrating cloud-native development and deployment.

For many companies, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin with app modernization. However, not all applications require immediate attention. An incremental approach allows your company to learn about modernization, identify and fix any initial issues on a smaller scale, and familiarize your team with its advantages.
Although app modernization can be daunting at first, seeking assistance from a knowledgeable and specialized IT partner can significantly alleviate the workload for your IT department and enhance the outcome
Six steps to effective app modernization
1. Select apps to modernize
Identify the critical apps for business operations and those that can benefit significantly from cloud optimization. Typically, applications around 5-7 years old are suitable candidates for modernization. It is necessary to conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the feasibility and susceptibility of existing applications.
The evaluation process can be done either manually or with the aid of automation tools. The primary areas of investigation include:
Is it possible to migrate the business logic to cloud-native frameworks like serverless computing or microservices?
Which systems require scaling, and at what speed?
Which code needs modification to adhere to the Cloud environment?
2. Improve UX
To meet customer expectations, applications should be user-friendly, efficient, and available on demand. Thus, when modernizing applications, one of the primary aspects to consider is the user experience (UX). The crucial inquiry becomes how your organization can simplify applications, enhance usability, and refine design.
By obtaining feedback from users, developers can design more exceptional applications. This not only enhances the app's quality but also shows a commitment to UX, which can lead to customer loyalty.
3. Test the new system with proof of concept
Sometimes it is beneficial to try out a modernized application before releasing the final version. To achieve this, a proof of concept (PoC) is an effective approach that involves testing the modernized application on a smaller scale. A PoC is similar to a soft launch and requires fewer resources compared to the complete hard launch of the final product.
It enables you to evaluate application features, test specific functions under pressure, and showcase their value to stakeholders. Developers do not necessarily have to build out the entire application infrastructure in a PoC, but only enough code to determine its feasibility. It is advisable to consult with your IT provider to determine if a PoC is suitable for your organization.
4. Specify the minimum viable product
App modernization offers a significant benefit in that it follows an iterative process. This means that apps receive ongoing improvements and updates through the Cloud automatically. It is therefore advisable to identify the minimum viable product (MVP) for each version of the app. The MVP represents the minimum level of value that the app should provide to fulfil its purpose. With each iteration or update, the app can be refined with additional enhancements.
Using this method enables you to reduce the duration of the development process and accelerate the app's release, leading to increased profits. Additionally, you can consistently enhance the app's features through subsequent updates, providing ongoing value.
5. Build out cloud infrastructure
To take full advantage of app modernization, it's probable that your IT department will need to expand current cloud systems and introduce new ones. A good initial step towards this cloud strategy is to determine the development environment. Afterwards, it's recommended to use infrastructure as code to construct the production environment whenever feasible. This approach saves significant time through the automation of provisioning, allowing developers to concentrate on other important tasks.
6. Fold automation into the process
The key to quickly scaling app modernization is automation. By employing automation, companies can efficiently handle applications, infrastructure, and fundamental business procedures.
That's why it's crucial to leverage automation as much as feasible. Automation is beneficial for numerous aspects of development, including testing, deployment, networking, provisioning, and backups. Automated testing ensures that modernized apps meet the same requirements as legacy versions. If containers are included in your cloud strategy, you can automate the deployment and other tools to help you grow rapidly.
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